Dionysian, orgiastic, free and antidogmatic. And all of this was clear to me at the final play party: “something magical” according to Felix Ruckert’s words.

But we start from the beginning. I arrived in Borgo Paola a little hesitant: I was not sure that my workshops were suitable for Xplore. On the contrary they went well and liked so much, especially “the circle”, an old idea I had never realized.

We come to the workshops I participated in. The idea of the various courses was to amplify the sensory and emotional experiences, to put in the game and to destabilize, to come in contact with reality sometimes completely new compared to the one you used to.

In addition to the value or interest of a specific workshop the festival wanted to create a holistic experience that will then meets in the final.

There everyone has given free rein to his passions, inclinations, desires. There was no BDSM or fetish or sex or bondage as you usually see in events. It wasn’t just a game: it was life

Coming home from this Xplore I bring back many experiences, so many known people, the idea that you can get out of your patterns, the desire to play and experience more.

With one compass: that of pleasure, care and lightness.